📝 PeerPal is a groundbreaking ed-tech platform for the admissions process.
web, javascript, fullstack, ios, android, rochester, objective-c, swift, java, and jenkins🎤 REC is Philadelphia's Agency for Creative Entrepreneurs
ios, swift, and philadelphia🎩 Slyce is an extraordinary visual search engine
ios, android, philadelphia, objective-c, swift, java, and jenkins✨ AM/Projected Relation is a relational art project
ios, swift, javascript, php, fullstack, and freelance🐕 Gampets is a fun way to share pet videos and get pets adopted
ios, nyc, swift, and freelance🔖 Flogg is an innovative commerce platform for friends
ios, nyc, objective-c, and freelance🏀 DribbleUp is the first basketball tracking app
ios, nyc, objective-c, and freelance📕 REVUU was an NYC startup reinventing the magazine
ios, freelance, objective-c, php, nyc, and fullstack